Do money, cars, big houses, and other expensive gadgets really matter? For Sadio Mane, it does not.
During an interview, a reporter asked him why didn’t he buy a new phone despite having the means to do so.
He replied that he could buy a thousand new phones, ten Ferraris, two jet planes, and diamond watches, but he did not need all of them.
Probably, this is because of the reason that he is still unmarried. Or maybe, he is a great man who does not care about people, friends, and competitors, whatever they say or think.
Later one seems to be true for him.
I asked a friend, “Why did you buy a Ferrari? Why are you always after money? There are so many other things to do.”
He said, “My wife’s head was bubbling left and right. I have bought this car to fix her neck.”
Then I asked him, “Did this car really help you to fix the problem? He said, “Yes, to some extent. But I do not need her anymore because of this behavior. It is her choice to live with me now.”
He told me, “Basically I am a simple person. I do not need expensive Cars, or houses for me. I need all these things for the people who are attached to me or the others who have no brain to think over.”
He said, “Money matters. Even if a duffer has money he earns a lot of respect from the others. Duffers do not respect intellectuals because they have no intellect to understand them.”
He said, “This is similar to the proverb “Akal badi ya Bhains?” (Translate: Intellect is big or a buffalo?) The man replied, “Buffalo is big because I have never seen the intellect.”
“If you have money then you are the most respected person. Your parents, brothers, sisters, children, and brainless friends and relatives, all would be after you, and respect you,” he said.
I listened to him carefully and analyzed.
I said, “Keep a balance between the two things, money, and intellect. If you are only after money, it will suppress your vision. It affects your thinking ability, and slowly you are also an idiot. You said that you bought a Ferrari because of your wife. Now, too much money has restricted your ability to think, as you said that you do not need her anymore.”
There is a Sanskrit Shloka:
ऐश्वर्यमदपापिष्ठा मदाः पानमदादयः ।
ऐश्वर्यमदमत्तो हि नापतित्वा विबुध्यते ॥
Among the intoxicants like alcohol, paan etc. the intoxication of wealth is considered to be the worst. The person intoxicated by wealth, until and unless he does not reach to the point of adversity, he does not get to be careful.