If you have implemented the wrong policies in the organization, it is never too late to discontinue the same. Somebody has said, ‘It is better to mend at a later stage than not to mend at all.’ You might be very enthusiastic to hit the competition but you cannot vanish the competitors. If you try to do it, your doom is certain. If you do any unethical practice, it would bring a bad name to your organization as well to the IT Industry. You should not implement such a policy that later on you have to find out a legitimate way out to survive in the competition.
What you say is what you write. Therefore, speak out very carefully. If you speak something you stick to it.
A few days back somebody was telling me that many IT companies do not honor the job offers even if they issue an appointment letter for the same. It is really very pitiable. This is definitely going to kill the reputation of the IT Industry.
If you are CEO or COO, you are bound to take care of the Technical and Commercial part of the company. If you are only technical your recruiter must make efforts to train you for commercial activities, ethics, and etiquettes. You cannot behave like a tongue-tied developer or a programmer whose mind is always occupied with the codes of Java, Sharepoint or PHP. Nobody wants to disturb the programmer because a little disturbance can disturb the whole application.
The Top commercial activity is the marketing and that is the backbone of any industry. A customer is the Supreme Boss. We cannot ignore him or her. In my life, I always have taken care of my each and every customer whether he is big or small. If big one gives me the business the small one gives me the publicity. I never forget the small one because that is the future.
Mahatma Gandhi has said, ‘A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.’
These CEOs must read books such as ‘How to sell yourself’ by Joe Girard and a few chapters by Philip Kotler.
To be continued… You can Shop these books on Amazon with